
Katarína Babiaková
Senior Associate
английски, немски, словашки
bnt attorneys-at-law, s.r.o.
81108 Bratislava
81108 Bratislava
Katarína Babiaková
Senior Associate
английски, немски, словашки
bnt attorneys-at-law, s.r.o.
81108 Bratislava
81108 Bratislava
Senior Associate
английски, немски, словашки
процесуално представителство, ТРУДОВО ПРАВО, Бизнес дейности и изпращане на работници в чужбина, Трудови договори, Защита на личните данни, Колективно договаряне, Прекратяване на трудови правоотношения, масови уволнения, Трудовоправни спорове, Прехвърляне на служители при сделки по сливане и придобиване, интелектуална собственост, Международно и европейско право, Търговски договори
"Verantwortung der Vertretungsorgane und Erteilung des Absolutoriums" in Fachnewsletter der Deutsch-Slowakischen Industrie– und Handelskammer, 01/2014
"Personal data protection in health care facilities" in Connection magazine, July/August 2013
"Slowakisches Abeitsgesetzbuch in deutscher Sprache" in Deutsch-Slowakische Industrie- und Handelskammer, 2013
"Whistleblowing: Reporting unfair practices or rule violations in the workplace" in Connection magazine, september/october 2012
"International Employment Law - Slovak Republic" in Center for International Legal Studies, 2011
"Is the personal data protection of your employees and clients sufficient?" in Eurobiznis, 9/2011
"Slovak Labour Code (translation into English language), bnt in cooperation of American chamber of commerce in the Slovak republic, 2011
"Social networks: Not the place to slam your boss!" in Connection magazine, September/October 2011
"Chránite osobné údaje vašich zamestnancov či klientov dostatočne?" in Eurobiznis, 09/2011
"MOE Wirtschaft in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Höhere Lohnnebenkosten drohen Ländervergleichendes Sozialversicherungsrecht - Slowakei", University of Passau, 2010
"Betriebsübergang in Mittel-, Ost- und Südeuropa, Betriebsübergang Slowakische Republik", BayME, 2007
"Regular legal support for Slovak newspapers" in Newspaper SME, eTrend
"Personal data protection in health care facilities" in Connection magazine, July/August 2013
"Slowakisches Abeitsgesetzbuch in deutscher Sprache" in Deutsch-Slowakische Industrie- und Handelskammer, 2013
"Whistleblowing: Reporting unfair practices or rule violations in the workplace" in Connection magazine, september/october 2012
"International Employment Law - Slovak Republic" in Center for International Legal Studies, 2011
"Is the personal data protection of your employees and clients sufficient?" in Eurobiznis, 9/2011
"Slovak Labour Code (translation into English language), bnt in cooperation of American chamber of commerce in the Slovak republic, 2011
"Social networks: Not the place to slam your boss!" in Connection magazine, September/October 2011
"Chránite osobné údaje vašich zamestnancov či klientov dostatočne?" in Eurobiznis, 09/2011
"MOE Wirtschaft in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Höhere Lohnnebenkosten drohen Ländervergleichendes Sozialversicherungsrecht - Slowakei", University of Passau, 2010
"Betriebsübergang in Mittel-, Ost- und Südeuropa, Betriebsübergang Slowakische Republik", BayME, 2007
"Regular legal support for Slovak newspapers" in Newspaper SME, eTrend
Masaryk University, Czech republic (Mgr.)
Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany (LL.M.)
Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany (LL.M.)
EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association)
German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (member of Employment Law Commitee)
Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)
German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (member of Employment Law Commitee)
Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)