"Verantwortung der Vertretungsorgane und Erteilung des Absolutoriums" in Fachnewsletter der Deutsch-Slowakischen Industrie– und Handelskammer, 01/2014
"Personal data protection in health care facilities" in Connection magazine, July/August 2013
"Slowakisches Abeitsgesetzbuch in deutscher Sprache" in Deutsch-Slowakische Industrie- und Handelskammer, 2013
"Whistleblowing: Reporting unfair practices or rule violations in the workplace" in Connection magazine, september/october 2012
"International Employment Law - Slovak Republic" in Center for International Legal Studies, 2011
"Is the personal data protection of your employees and clients sufficient?" in Eurobiznis, 9/2011
"Slovak Labour Code (translation into English language), bnt in cooperation of American chamber of commerce in the Slovak republic, 2011
"Social networks: Not the place to slam your boss!" in Connection magazine, September/October 2011
"Chránite osobné údaje vašich zamestnancov či klientov dostatočne?" in Eurobiznis, 09/2011
"MOE Wirtschaft in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Höhere Lohnnebenkosten drohen Ländervergleichendes Sozialversicherungsrecht - Slowakei", University of Passau, 2010
"Betriebsübergang in Mittel-, Ost- und Südeuropa, Betriebsübergang Slowakische Republik", BayME, 2007
"Regular legal support for Slovak newspapers" in Newspaper SME, eTrend
Katarína Babiaková
Senior Associate
Asociat Senior
Asociat Senior
Engleză, Germană, Slovacă
bnt attorneys-at-law, s.r.o.
81108 Bratislava
81108 Bratislava
Katarína Babiaková
Senior Associate
Asociat Senior
Asociat Senior
Engleză, Germană, Slovacă
bnt attorneys-at-law, s.r.o.
81108 Bratislava
81108 Bratislava
Asociat Senior
Engleză, Germană, Slovacă
Litigii, DREPTUL MUNCII, Activități Comerciale Și Detașări Transfrontaliere, Contracte De Muncă Remunerație Și Beneficii La Pensionare, Protecția Datelor, Negocierea Contractului Colectiv DeMuncă, Încetarea Contractului De Muncă Concedieri Colective, Litigii DeMuncă, Transferul Angajaților În Cadrul Tranzacțiilor De Fuziuni Și Achiziții, Proprietate Intelectuală, Reglementare Internațională Și UE, Contracte Comerciale
"Verantwortung der Vertretungsorgane und Erteilung des Absolutoriums" in Fachnewsletter der Deutsch-Slowakischen Industrie– und Handelskammer, 01/2014
"Personal data protection in health care facilities" in Connection magazine, July/August 2013
"Slowakisches Abeitsgesetzbuch in deutscher Sprache" in Deutsch-Slowakische Industrie- und Handelskammer, 2013
"Whistleblowing: Reporting unfair practices or rule violations in the workplace" in Connection magazine, september/october 2012
"International Employment Law - Slovak Republic" in Center for International Legal Studies, 2011
"Is the personal data protection of your employees and clients sufficient?" in Eurobiznis, 9/2011
"Slovak Labour Code (translation into English language), bnt in cooperation of American chamber of commerce in the Slovak republic, 2011
"Social networks: Not the place to slam your boss!" in Connection magazine, September/October 2011
"Chránite osobné údaje vašich zamestnancov či klientov dostatočne?" in Eurobiznis, 09/2011
"MOE Wirtschaft in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Höhere Lohnnebenkosten drohen Ländervergleichendes Sozialversicherungsrecht - Slowakei", University of Passau, 2010
"Betriebsübergang in Mittel-, Ost- und Südeuropa, Betriebsübergang Slowakische Republik", BayME, 2007
"Regular legal support for Slovak newspapers" in Newspaper SME, eTrend
Masaryk University, Czech republic (Mgr.)
Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany (LL.M.)
Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany (LL.M.)
EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association)
German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (member of Employment Law Commitee)
Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)
German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (member of Employment Law Commitee)
Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)