Aktuálne témy z oblasti práva

  • news

    Lithuania: permits process for biomedical trials

    Part 3: the legal aspects of the authorisation itself


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    Lithuania: Shareholder agreements

    Contributions to the Nomos Handbook on a very little-regulated area of the law


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    Slovensko: Ochrana doménového mena ako práva duševného vlastníctva na Slovensku

    Riešenie doménových sporov na Slovensku?


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    Lithuania: Claims by a manager against his company in the case of his dismissal

    Rude awakening for the company if a manager's annual leave is not properly documented


  • news

    Lithuania: A ‘blocked account’, a more effective implementation of the subsistence requirements for immigrants

    Currently, the requirement to possess sufficient means of subsistence for the duration of one’s stay in Lithuania is only very formally implemented


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