Associated Partner
Komerctiesības, Uzņēmumu apvienošana un iegāde, Compliance, Konkurences tiesības, Uzņēmuma vadības un dalībnieku pienākumi krīzes situācijās, Conducting cases in public courts and before arbitration tribunals, dispute resolution, STRĪDU RISINĀŠANA, Starptautiskais šķīrējtiesas process, Nacionālais šķīrējtiesas process, Pārstāvība tiesās, Mediācija un citi alternatīvie strīdu risināšanas veidi, Industrija un regulētās nozares, Starptautiskās un ES regulētās nozares, Jūras tiesības un pārvadājumi, Citas regulētās nozares, Transports un loģistika, Komerctiesību darījumi
Angļu, Vācu, Slovāku

“Münchener Kommentar zum Straßenverkehrsrecht: StVR, Band 3: Internationales Straßenverkehrsrecht”, C.H.BECK, 2019 (Beitrag über die Slowakei)


Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (Mgr.)
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (LL.M.)

Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)

Slovakia: What is in the first government aid package for entrepreneurs?
Slovakia: What is in the first government aid package for entrepreneurs?
Slovakia: Contractual relationships during the pandemic. How to react and how to protect yourself in the future?
Slovakia: Contractual relationships during the pandemic. How to react and how to protect yourself in the future?
Slovakia: Borders closed because of COVID-19? Sign the contract electronically!
Slovakia: Borders closed because of COVID-19? Sign the contract electronically!
From a sickbed to the courtroom?
From a sickbed to the courtroom?
How to enforce your claim outside the court: try a notarial deed
How to enforce your claim outside the court: try a notarial deed
Corporate veil pierced in Slovakia
Corporate veil pierced in Slovakia
Have you tried electronic enforcement?
Have you tried electronic enforcement?
How to prevent debtors from disposing of their assets
How to prevent debtors from disposing of their assets
Does beauty really lie in simplicity?
Does beauty really lie in simplicity?
Companies: Immunity from prosecution lifted
Companies: Immunity from prosecution lifted