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    Fixed building prices in Belarus

    Belarus: New mechanism for fixed building pricing introduced in Belarus from 1 January 2015 The fixed building contract pricing mechanism has changed in Belarus since 1 January 2015. Starting from 1 January all the parties to building relations must keep to the fixed building contract pricing mechanism defined by legal acts irrespective of


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    Transakce se spojenými osobami

    Czech Republic: Povinné vykazování transakcí se spojenými osobami již za zdaňovací období 2014 V České republice se pro zdaňovací období 2014 zavádí nová příloha k daňovému přiznání k dani z příjmů právnických osob. Vybrané právnické osoby budou muset uvést v rámci daňového přiznání přehled transakcí se spojenými osobami, a to


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    Compliance: a tool for transparency!

    Transparency in business is important for a successful company and essential for its long-term success. A compliance program helps companies achieve this objective.  A general compliance program to fit every company does not exist, although there are a few general principles that should be universally adopted. To reduce the possibility


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    Real estate taxation

    Lithuania: Amendments to taxation of real estate belonging to natural persons. From 1 January 2015 natural persons will be subject to real estate tax if the total value of real estate owned or acquired by them exceeds 220 000 EUR (non-taxable value). The rate of tax amounts to 0.5% of


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    Liability of management board members substantially extended from 2015

    Latvia: Personal liability of management board members for company tax liabilities and `lost` accounting documents As of 1 January 2015 the State Revenue Service (tax authority) can bring a personal recovery claim against board members for company tax debts. The personal liability of board members for


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