Právní novinky

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    Procedure ratified for determining dominant position of economic entities

    Belarus: Procedures in Belarus ratified for determining dominant position and for maintaining register of economic entities with a dominant position. The competition authority determines if an economic entity occupies a dominant position. Under new resolutions, the competition authority analyses and assesses the condition of product markets, hears/examines/considers appeals


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    Payment and repayment of shareholders loans and capital surplus

    Changes in corporate law From 01.01.2016 a company will be deemed “in crisis” when insolvent or when the rate between its equity and its liabilities is below 4:100. This ratio will increase to 6:100 in 2017 and to 8:100 in 2018 and later. Any repayment made by the company “in


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    New procedural rules for civil and administrative disputes

    For 52 years the current Civil Procedure Order has dominated the Slovak court system. It was adopted during the communist era with different aims. Since its adoption it has required almost 80 amendments and still results in years-long litigations. Now, after years of preparation, the Ministry of Justice has prepared


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    SMEs and merger control in the focus of Competition Act amendment

    Hungary: The aim of the June 2015 amendment is to develop competition awareness and to set up more detailed procedural rules for the GVH (Hungarian Competition Authority) New type of sanction for SMEs The new regulation enables the GVH to issue a warning instead of imposing a fine


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    Novela nařízení Brusel I

    Czech Republic: Od 10. ledna 2015 se aplikují nová pravidla ohledně příslušnosti, uznávání a výkonu soudních rozhodnutí v občanských a obchodních věcech Přepracované nařízení EU č. 1215/2012 o příslušnosti a uznávání a výkonu soudních rozhodnutí v občanských a obchodních věcech zjednodušilo proces uznávání a výkonu soudních rozhodnutí členského státu v


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