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    Truck and trailer insurance dilemma

    Lithuania: The Court of Justice establishes guidelines on choosing the applicable law in cases of truck and trailer insurer disputes. bnt is representing a major German Insurance company in a dispute with a Lithuanian insurance company. bnt initiated a motion for Vilnius City District Court to apply to the Court


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    Supervisory board – agency workers are counted

    Germany: When setting the composition of a company supervisory board, agency workers must be taken into account. Under German law, employees must send representatives to the supervisory board if a company has a certain number of employees. If the number of regular employees is more than 500, then one-third of


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    Public-private partnership law adopted

    Belarus: Investors can now go for projects in Belarus on the basis of public-private partnership agreements. Law № 345-З of 30 December 2015 (‘Law’) lays the ground for public-private partnership development. Under the Law, sectors of the economy public-private partnership can be carried out in sectors such as: road and


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    Google concedes to EU pressure

    Estonia: On 13 May 2014 the ECJ decided that EU citizens are entitled to demand removal of information from Google. The Court’s decision was based on the EU’s 1995 Data Protection Directive. The directive includes the right of every EU citizen to demand erasure of certain information about them


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    K povinnostem, které přináší novela zákona o ochraně spotřebitele

    Czech Republic: Ke dni 28.12.2015 nabyla účinnosti novela zákona č. 634/1992 Sb., o ochraně spotřebitele (dále také jen „Zákon o ochraně spotřebitele“). Předmětnou novelou došlo k transpozici několika směrnic orgánů EU do českého právního řádu. Jednalo se zejména o směrnice zaměřené na zvýšení ochrany spotřebitelů a dále na sjednocení úrovně


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