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    Seznamte se s novelou zákona o daních z příjmů

    Czech Republic: Poslanecká sněmovna schválila dne 13. ledna 2017 návrh zákona, kterým se mimo jiné mění zákon o daních z příjmů.  Poslanecká sněmovna schválila dne 13. ledna 2017 návrh zákona, kterým se mimo jiné mění zákon o daních z příjmů. Návrh zákona bude nyní projednán Senátem. Navrhovaná účinnost je od


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    Tax incentives for FEZ companies

    Starting from 2017 amendments to the Law on Corporate Income Tax (LCIT) are in force. New incentives additional to those already provided in the LCIT will apply to service companies operating in free economic zones (FEZ). Service companies operating in FEZ now need not pay corporate income tax for six


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    Changes following amendment to the Enforcement Regulation

    Your favourite bailiff will no longer be in charge of enforcing your money claims. Your favourite bailiff will no longer be in charge of enforcing your money claims - unless they are selected at random and their office is in the area where your debtor lives or has their seat.


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    Five-day visa-free stay in Belarus

    Belarus: From 12 February 2017 citizens of 80 countries will be allowed to stay in Belarus without a visa for up to five days. Visa-free entry and departure apply, for example, to citizens of European Union countries (also to non-citizens from Latvia and stateless persons from Estonia), the USA, Switzerland,


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    Transfer pricing documentation

    Lithuania: 1 January 2017: Missing transfer pricing documentation? Fines for Managers and Companies. Companies not possessing the necessary transfer pricing documentation faced new consequences from 1 January 2017. The Code of Administrative Offences lays down fines of EUR 1 400 to 4 300 for the first infringement and EUR 2


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