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    More burden on companies

    Restrictive regulations on registered seat services Due to changes in legislation, companies whose seat is provided by a registered seat provider, so that its seat is located in a place where the company does not actually operate, must review its business practice in this respect. Registered seat services Registered seat


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    New provisions in insolvency proceedings

    Hungary: New rules on fiduciary collaterals introduced One of the reasons for passing the amendment – in force from 1 July 2017 – was the uncertainty of application of certain provisions in connection with enforceability of claims secured by fiduciary transfer of ownership or assignment of claims (fiduciary collaterals). When


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    Po skončení funkce odpovědnost jednatele nekončí

    Podle závěrů Nejvyššího soudu odpovídají jednatelé za jednání jménem společnosti po svém odvolání z funkce podle stejných kritérií, jaká platila po dobu výkonu jejich funkce. Není přitom rozhodné, zda o ukončení funkce věděli či nikoliv. Stejný závěr dopadne na situace, kdy se jednatel své funkce vzdal.   Nejvyšší soud České


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    Key Amendments to the Registered Pledges Act

    The amended provisions aim at better protected rights of pledgees and enhanced legal certainty Since the beginning of 2017 important changes in the Registered Pledges Act have been in force. A focal novelty has affected the registration of pledges. Pledges are now deemed registered upon their entry into


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    Does the new regulation on an employee’s right to private life under the labour code comply with European case-law?

    From a human rights perspective, the possession and use of our data by other people affects our private life. However, the privacy of our private life has to a certain extent been reduced. In other words, our right to private life has been restricted. An employer should not monitor or


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