KORPORÁTNÍ PRÁVO, FÚZE A AKVIZICE, korporátní, fúze a akvizice, Compliance, Joint Ventures, Hospodářská soutěž a kartelové právo, Právní odpovědnost orgánů společnosti a společníků v krizi, Podmínky pro zachování kapitálu, Předpoklady pro řízení společnosti a zásady zneužití vlivu, M&A podniků v úpadku, NEMOVITOSTI, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Nákup a prodej, Green Field Investments, Správa nemovitostí a pronájmy, Restrukturalizace nemovitostních projektů, PRACOVNÍ PRÁVO, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Ochrana osobních údajů, Kolektivní vyjednávání, Termination of employment, mass redundancies, Pracovněprávní spory, Přechody zaměstnanců při M&A transakcích
anglický, francouzský, rumunský
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Webinar: Mobbing at the workplace. Practical aspects for employers
Romania: Webinar: Mobbing at the workplace. Practical aspects for employers
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas
Romania: Clarifications in the light of new rules on sale of agricultural land located outside built-up areas