Senior Associate
INSOLVENCY AND RESTRUCTURING, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, International arbitration, Domestic arbitration, Litigation, Mediation and other ADR, EMPLOYMENT
Czech, English, Estonian, French, German, Polish, Russian

Various publications on European and Czech consumer law, on Czech labour law, on Czech insolvency law, on minority protection in Europe, especially the Baltic States

Czech Republic

University Viadrina in Frankfurt / Oder (Germany) (Dr.iur)
dissertation on European and Polish Consumer Law (published in 2001)
University of Tübingen and Berlin (Germany), Law Faculty

Brandenburg Bar Association
Česká advokátní komora (Czech Bar Association)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e.V. (DGO, German Association for Eastern European Studies)

Czechia: Changes to Czech and German Citizenship Law in 2024
Czechia: Changes to Czech and German Citizenship Law in 2024
Czechia: A brief overview of Czech law of succession
Czechia: A brief overview of Czech law of succession
Communities of heirs and European Certificates of Succession (ECS): New problems for the application of the EU Succession Regulation (Regulation (EU) 650/2012); Appeal on a point of law to the Federal Court of Justice over the issue of the entry of land plots in the ECS
Communities of heirs and European Certificates of Succession (ECS): New problems for the application of the EU Succession Regulation (Regulation (EU) 650/2012); Appeal on a point of law to the Federal Court of Justice over the issue of the entry of land plots in the ECS
A judgment whereby the Altona jury court on 7 November 1935 convicted a stateless Jew of “attempted racial defilement” has finally been annulled – after precisely 88 years
A judgment whereby the Altona jury court on 7 November 1935 convicted a stateless Jew of “attempted racial defilement” has finally been annulled – after precisely 88 years
EU-succesion regulation No 650/2012: denied competencies in case of death of elderly people in care institutions in other EU countries
EU-succesion regulation No 650/2012: denied competencies in case of death of elderly people in care institutions in other EU countries
European certificates of succession (ECS) in German and Czech practice: real-life consequences of the ECJ decision C-354/21
European certificates of succession (ECS) in German and Czech practice: real-life consequences of the ECJ decision C-354/21
Czechia: Electronic prolongation of the temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic until the end of March 2023 (update)
Czechia: Electronic prolongation of the temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic until the end of March 2023 (update)
Czechia: Electronic prolongation of the temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic until the end of March 2023
Czechia: Electronic prolongation of the temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic until the end of March 2023
Vander Elst-Visa for cross-border services for Ukrainian refugees under temporary protection EU
Vander Elst-Visa for cross-border services for Ukrainian refugees under temporary protection EU
Taking stock one year after the effectiveness of a new right to self-declare as a German citizen and of the right to naturalization on grounds of restitution – more than 20000 applications have been submitted to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA)
Taking stock one year after the effectiveness of a new right to self-declare as a German citizen and of the right to naturalization on grounds of restitution – more than 20000 applications have been submitted to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA)
Czechia: „Lex Ukraine“ has been amended (by Act No. 175/2022, on the temporary protection status for Ukrainian refugees) – but many questions remain unanswered
Czechia: „Lex Ukraine“ has been amended (by Act No. 175/2022, on the temporary protection status for Ukrainian refugees) – but many questions remain unanswered
Selected issues of the institute of temporary protection in EU Council decision 382/2022 in Czech law
Selected issues of the institute of temporary protection in EU Council decision 382/2022 in Czech law
The rules for Ukrainian refugees in EU countries
The rules for Ukrainian refugees in EU countries
German courts and Facebook: the obligation to hand over user data and the possibility of using pseudonyms
German courts and Facebook: the obligation to hand over user data and the possibility of using pseudonyms
We helped gain EU citizenship in the post-Brexit era
We helped gain EU citizenship in the post-Brexit era
Even after 85 years, you can get the citizenship you are entitled to
Even after 85 years, you can get the citizenship you are entitled to
Children saved by Sir Nicholas Winton are not entitled to a Czech or Slovak passport – though they may claim a German one!
Children saved by Sir Nicholas Winton are not entitled to a Czech or Slovak passport – though they may claim a German one!
Changes to the Aliens Residence Act and to the Czech Personal ID Cards Act
Changes to the Aliens Residence Act and to the Czech Personal ID Cards Act
Liberalization of the German Citizenship Act comes into force
Liberalization of the German Citizenship Act comes into force
Right to vote in the 2021 elections for expatriate Germans and Czechs
Right to vote in the 2021 elections for expatriate Germans and Czechs
Germany and the Czech Republic – New rules as the pandemic relents
Germany and the Czech Republic – New rules as the pandemic relents
New possibilities for Jewish émigrés from Germany and Austria, new obstacles for those from former Czechoslovakia
New possibilities for Jewish émigrés from Germany and Austria, new obstacles for those from former Czechoslovakia
Czech nationalism and the common European market: Are we facing a bleak future of supermarket shelves exclusively given over to Czech (and Moravian) food?
Czech nationalism and the common European market: Are we facing a bleak future of supermarket shelves exclusively given over to Czech (and Moravian) food?
International Hereditary law in the EU and beyond – ESC in practice
International Hereditary law in the EU and beyond – ESC in practice
Pravidla přicestování a vycestování v době koronaviru v ČR a v Německu
Pravidla přicestování a vycestování v době koronaviru v ČR a v Německu
Apostilles have been discontinued in the entire EU for two years according to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191
Apostilles have been discontinued in the entire EU for two years according to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191
Austrian citizenship is easy to acquire for Austrian emigrants and their descendants; for German citizenship, the situation is not as straightforward, though some progress has been made
Austrian citizenship is easy to acquire for Austrian emigrants and their descendants; for German citizenship, the situation is not as straightforward, though some progress has been made
Czech emigrants and their descendants will have it easier to (re-)acquire Czech citizenship
Czech emigrants and their descendants will have it easier to (re-)acquire Czech citizenship
The battle for the recognition of European Certificate of Succession (ECS) in the Czech Republic continues successfully.
The battle for the recognition of European Certificate of Succession (ECS) in the Czech Republic continues successfully.
Practice of restitution of German citizenship pursuant of the Basic Law unconstitutional for decades
Practice of restitution of German citizenship pursuant of the Basic Law unconstitutional for decades
Restrictions on entering and leaving the country after the end of the state of emergency on 18 May 2020 and as of 15 June 2020
Restrictions on entering and leaving the country after the end of the state of emergency on 18 May 2020 and as of 15 June 2020
Again new Czech entry and exit rules during the emergency
Again new Czech entry and exit rules during the emergency
Rules for Czech cross-border commuters during the coronavirus pandemic
Rules for Czech cross-border commuters during the coronavirus pandemic
Proposed stricter Act on Czech Citizenship – increased demand on foreigners to prove their clean criminal record
Proposed stricter Act on Czech Citizenship – increased demand on foreigners to prove their clean criminal record
ECS News: we win at courts in Prague and Olomouc; amendment to the Cadastral Decree effective of January 1, 2020
ECS News: we win at courts in Prague and Olomouc; amendment to the Cadastral Decree effective of January 1, 2020
The fight for European Certificates of Succession continues in Olomouc and Luxembourg
The fight for European Certificates of Succession continues in Olomouc and Luxembourg
No residence in Germany? Or in the Czech Republic?
No residence in Germany? Or in the Czech Republic?
Naturalization for descendants of Nazi persecution victims pursuant to Art. 116 (2) of Germany’s Basic Law
Naturalization for descendants of Nazi persecution victims pursuant to Art. 116 (2) of Germany’s Basic Law
Improving worker protection: amending the Posting of Workers Directive
Improving worker protection: amending the Posting of Workers Directive
New Austrian Supreme Court ruling on European Certificates of Succession
New Austrian Supreme Court ruling on European Certificates of Succession
Entry of land plots in a European Certificate of Succession issued in Germany
Entry of land plots in a European Certificate of Succession issued in Germany
ECtHR: Unlimited monitoring of private internet communication in the workplace is a violation
ECtHR: Unlimited monitoring of private internet communication in the workplace is a violation
Will German expatriates forfeit their right to vote in the upcoming (German) federal parliamentary elections?
Will German expatriates forfeit their right to vote in the upcoming (German) federal parliamentary elections?
Changes to the Insolvency Act as of 1 July 2017
Changes to the Insolvency Act as of 1 July 2017
Databank on the solvency and creditworthiness of consumers
Databank on the solvency and creditworthiness of consumers
Introduction of an ADR procedure for consumers
Introduction of an ADR procedure for consumers
Unification of Insolvency Law
Unification of Insolvency Law
Minimum wage to usher in ‘new era of plenty’, come what may
Minimum wage to usher in ‘new era of plenty’, come what may
Execution, Transylvanian-Style?
Execution, Transylvanian-Style?
Dispute over mortgage loan fees revisited
Dispute over mortgage loan fees revisited