Aktuálne témy z oblasti práva

  • news

    Lithuania: As an employer, are you in arrears with your employee?

    Consequences: default interest on late payment of salary or benefits, or a contractual penalty following the termination of the contract


  • news

    Lithuania: General terms and conditions in German-Lithuanian business relations

    Part 1: are you utilising the benefits? Are you aware of the risks?


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    Lithuania: 2024 bringing new changes to the Law on Construction

    The latest amendments to the ‘Law on Construction’ take full effect in 2024 and bring with them material changes to construction projects


  • news

    Lithuania: Can a collective agreement be a good thing…for employers?

    Problems of collective bargaining in Lithuania. Are they being addressed and resolved?  (Part 2)


  • news

    Lithuania: Can a collective agreement be a good thing…for employers?

    Problems of collective bargaining in Lithuania. Are they being addressed and resolved?  (Part 1)


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