Business breakfast series started at bnt Vilnius

Lithuania: bnt Vilnius has started a discussion forum for clients and other interested companies on topical legal and tax issues.

bnt Vilnius has started a discussion forum for clients and other interested companies on topical legal and tax issues. In future bnt Vilnius will be welcoming clients and other interested persons each month for a business breakfast at its premises. The idea is to arrange small group discussions on legal and tax issues and new developments relevant to specific groups of companies or industry sectors. Our aim is to establish a forum for productive informal exchange of knowledge and viewpoints as well as to gain a deeper understanding of client and business needs in specific areas of business law. The first breakfast organized by our tax department involved a discussion on the thin line between tax planning and tax avoidance based on practical examples in Lithuania.

We look forward to welcoming you.

If you would like invitations for the future, please register with: 

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