Senior Associate
NIERUCHOMOŚCI, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Kupno / Sprzedaż, Planning & zoning, land use and building regulations, Environmental law, Inwestycje typu greenfield, Infrastructure, Zarządzanie i najem nieruchomości, Spory sądowe, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Spory pracownicze, Zdrowie, Medycyna, Produkty farmaceutyczne, Produkty medyczne, Suplementy diety, Regulacje artykułów spożywczych, Project Finance, Umowy w obrocie godpodarczym
Angielski, Niemiecki, Słowacki

„Rechte der Vertragsparteien bei der Mietbeendigung” in Fachnewsletter der Deutsch-Slowakischen Industrie– und Handelskammer, 11/2013,

„Eigentumsvorbehalt weltweit“ – Rechtliche Praxis in 32 Ländern, CBBL Cross Border Business Law AG, Slowakei, 07/2022



Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (Mgr.)
University of Regensburg, Germany

Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)

Slovakia: A summary of state aid to support employers
Slovakia: A summary of state aid to support employers
Slovakia: Non-payment of rent during the Corona crisis
Slovakia: Non-payment of rent during the Corona crisis
Slovakia: State aid for employers during the state of emergency
Slovakia: State aid for employers during the state of emergency
Real Estate Investments in Slovakia after Brexit
Real Estate Investments in Slovakia after Brexit