Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    New import rules. Falsified Medicines Directive in force in Lithuania

    Safety measures to prevent counterfeit medicines from reaching the consumer. Medicines circulate between EU countries without restrictions. The active substances in counterfeit medicines may be of poor quality or their quantity may be too high or too low. In order to prevent counterfeit medicinal products from entering the


  • uudised

    Eesti tööõigus: milline õigus kohaldub rahvusvahelisele töölepingule?

    Töölepingus sõlmitud kokkulepe kohalduva õiguse kohta võib olla tühine, kui töötajal peaks tegelikult olema paremad töötingimused. Eesti Riigikohus tegi otsuse tsiviilasjas, milles vaieldi töölepingule kohalduva õiguse üle: töölepingus oli kokku lepitud, et lepingu osapooled kohaldavad Eesti õigust, tegelikult aga tegi töötaja tööd ehitussektoris Rootsis. Palgaks oli kokku lepitud 700 eurot


  • uudised

    Ultimate beneficial owners revealed

    Will the ultimate beneficial owners of all Slovak companies be revealed? When will it happen? Who will get access to this information? The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) is a natural person who controls a legal person, a natural person-undertaking or a non-investment pooled asset


  • uudised

    Will Slovak employers jump as whistleblowers blow?

    Further changes in Slovak labour law as of 1 March 2019! After almost five years, the Whistleblowing Act has been amended to respond to problems of practical application in this area. What news does it bring for employers? Extension of employee protection in whistleblowing


  • uudised

    New rules for garage parking spaces in residential buildings

    As of November 1, 2018, the law introduces the terms "garage in a residential building" and "parking space in a garage". The latest amendment to the Act on the Ownership of Apartments and Commercial Premises responds to the risks arising from the practice of selling parking


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid