Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Class actions will likely find a home in the Czech legal system

    Streamlined trials, the fulfillment of the call for procedural economy, the unburdening of overworked courts – in short, an increase of efficiency in the judiciary. This, along with other benefits, is the promise held out by a newly proposed bill for a Class Actions Act. In what follows, we shall


  • uudised

    Eesti töölepinguseadus: konkurentsipiirang

    Eesti Riigikohtu otsus annab täpsemad juhised töölepingute konkurentsipiirangute kohta. Eestis esitas ehitusettevõte oma endise töötaja vastu hagi leppetrahvi maksmiseks, kuna töötaja oli nende vahel kokkulepitud konkurentsipiirangut rikkunud. Lepingu kohaselt ei tohtinud töötaja ilma tööandja eelneva kirjaliku loata töötada töölepingu ajal teise ehitusvaldkonna tööandja juures ega


  • uudised

    Practical guidance for manufacturers of MDs – Hard and Soft Transition periods for CE Certificates of Conformity

    The MDR establishes multiple transition timelines for the CE Certificate of Conformity. These transition timelines were initially intended to enable notified bodies to meet MDR criteria for their (re)certification. The MDR provides stricter criteria for designating notified bodies and set additional requirements and responsibilities for notified


  • uudised

    More obstacles for grocers in Slovakia!

    The fight against the market power of food traders goes into the next round. Since 1 May, new rules have been in force in Slovakia for contracts between food traders and suppliers. The legislator justifies adoption of this law as a reaction to the imbalance between


  • uudised

    Belarus cancels edict on fictitious entrepreneurship

    The infamous edict aimed at preventing illegal tax minimization has been repealed as of 1 January 2019 Edict No. 488 adopted against fictitious entrepreneurship had been in force since January 2013. The edict laid down a procedure for a Register of commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs with a high


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid