Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Necessary passage

    Czech Republic: Methods for establishing necessary passage under the New Civil Code The New Civil Code has reintroduced the concept of "necessary passage" to the Czech legal environment, by setting forth rules for establishing right-of-law across third-party property in indispensable cases. The owner of a given piece of real


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    New personal data protection regulations effective as of 2015

    Poland: Significant changes for data controllers in terms of registration duties and data transfer abroad This year has brought significant changes in Polish regulations on data protection. An amendment to the Act on Personal Data Protection has considerably reshaped the registration duties burdening data controllers. Firstly, the provisions on the


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    Muudatused Eesti äriseadustikus

    Eesti: Piiratud vastutusega äriühingu juhtimine muutub paindlikumaks.  Esimesest juulist 2015 jõustuvad Eesti äriseadustikus muudatused, mis muudavad osaühingute juhtimise paindlikumaks. Paljud võimalused, mis seni olid kättesaadavad vaid aktsiaseltsile, laienevad nüüd ka osaühingule. Eelkõige iduettevõtete puhul muudab uus regulatsioon investeerimise lihtsamaks ja turvalisemaks.


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    Employee bears language risk by signing employment contract

    Germany: No duty for employers to translate contract into employee's native language even if employee not proficient in contract language. An employee who signs a contract written in German must accept adverse contract clauses even if he is not proficient in German and therefore cannot comprehend all the details in


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    SCL specifies CMR provisions regarding process of carriage and value of cargo

    Lithuania: bnt Vilnius successfully represented the client's interests in a case involving a carrier and insurer's liability under the CMR Convention. The Lithuanian Supreme Court found in favour of client of bnt Vilnius by ruling that in the case of damage to the cargo, the carrier's insurer has an obligation


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid