Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Supervisory board – employees of foreign daughter companies are counted

    Germany: When setting the composition of a supervisory board, employees of foreign daughter companies must be taken into account. Under German law, employees must send representatives to the supervisory board if a company has a certain number of employees. If the number of regular employees is more than 500, then


  • uudised

    Mandatory energy audits for large enterprises

    Hungary: Energy Efficiency Directive implemented in Hungarian legislation. Energy efficiency targets of EU The aim of the Energy Efficiency Directive is to establish a common legal framework to promote energy efficiency within the European Union. This means achieving the Union’s energy efficiency target of


  • uudised

    Riigihangete seadus viiakse vastavusse Euroopa Liidu direktiividega

    Eesti: Seaduse muudatused toovad lahendused mitmetele praktikas tekkinud riigihangete probleemidele. Euroopa Parlament võttis 2014. aastal vastu kolm uut riigihangete valdkonda puudutavat direktiivi, mille järgimiseks vajalikud õigusnormid tuleb Eestil jõustada hiljemalt 18. aprillil 2016. aastal. Seetõttu tegeletakse rahandusministeeriumis riigihangete seaduse muudatuste eelnõuga ning loodetavasti jõustuvad muudatused tuleva aasta aprillis. Eelnõu annab hankijale


  • uudised

    Stricter rules to be applied on separate ownership of buildings and land

    Latvia: Changes to Latvian law restrict separate legal ownership of land and buildings. Current Latvian law allows shared property rights in a rather wide sense: buildings and the land under them may have different legal owners. The reason for this rule was uncertainty about ownership of real estate during the


  • uudised

    Long-awaited amendments to the company law

    Belarus: From 26 January 2016, establishment of companies with one shareholder/member is possible in Belarus The Law of the Republic of Belarus of 15.07.2015 no 308-L significantly amends the company law. The most important change is the possibility to establish a one-member company in


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid