Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Important changes to Polish labour law

    In force from 22 February 2016: changes to fixed-term employment contracts – one of the most popular employment contracts So far, rules concerning the duration of a fixed-term contract were nowhere explicitly defined. In practical terms, fixed-term contracts, which by definition were used as temporary or short-term contracts, were often


  • uudised

    Notaries alleviate debt collection

    Lithuania: New Amendments to the Notarial Law create preconditions for easier debt recovery from 1 January. As of 2016 Notaries may affix enforcement clauses to notarized transactions that give rise to monetary obligations. The enforcement clause allows direct access to the bailiff. This novelty benefits creditors, who can now avoid


  • uudised

    New Contract Register Act

    Czech Republic: Will mandatory disclosure of contracts, invoices, and orders improve management of public funds? On 1 July 2016, the Contract Register Act will come into force. This has been designed to allow a broader circle of persons and institutions to participate – if only informally – in public oversight


  • uudised

    Fact sheet on Investment in the Baltic area 2015-2016

    Estonia: The bnt fact sheet offers an overview of the benefits of investing and establishing a business in the Baltics. The Nordic countries count as the biggest investors in the Baltic states. Still the Baltics can provide more growth for companies and expansion over borders. The Baltic states have made


  • uudised

    bnt Vilnius represents Lufthansa Technik AG

    Lithuania: Support in connection with Air Lituanica insolvency. Attorneys-at-law Frank Heemann (Rechtsanwalt) and Rasa Grambaite-Pusciene (Advokate) advise and represent German Lufthansa Technik AG filing claims in the insolvency proceedings of the Lithuanian carrier Air Lituanica. bnt attorneys-at-law (Vilnius) with its 15 lawyers plus support team belongs to the leading law


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid