Estonia: The bnt fact sheet offers an overview of the benefits of investing and establishing a business in the Baltics.
The Nordic countries count as the biggest investors in the Baltic states. Still the Baltics can provide more growth for companies and expansion over borders.
The Baltic states have made an effort to be attractive to businesses through low taxation, creating special economic zones and making it easy to establish new business in the area. A variety of funds and EU projects can help with financing a company.
The Investment fact sheet of 2015-2016 covers everything from the basic information about investing in the Baltics to some more specific information about special economic zones and financing opportunities in each country.
Estonia has taken a leap forward through making everything easily accessible by creating electronic registers for residence, business and taxation. Lithuania offers triple tax rebates on companies focusing on research and development. In Latvia lies Incukalns natural gas storage facility, which is Europe’s largest. These are just some basic facts – but there is much more besides.
To learn more, read the Baltic Investment fact sheet 2015-2016 which you can find along with other helpful information by bnt attorneys-at-law on our home page
If you have any questions or would like a deeper analysis of opportunities to invest in Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia please contact one of our bnt attorneys-at-law representatives.