Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Changes in cross border insolvency proceedings

      Facilitation of the enforcement of creditors’ claims, more effective procedure On June 26 2017, new EU Regulation 2015/848 entered into force. This has brought about significant changes in Hungarian cross-border insolvency proceedings. The main purpose of the Regulation is to simplify enforcement of creditors’ claims and to


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    Limiting purchase of agricultural land: not in line with EU law

    Following reform of the law on land privatization, the rights of EU citizens to purchase land in Latvia continue to be restricted, in violation of EU law. A detailed analysis has now been published in the legal periodical Agrar- und Umweltrecht 12/2017 by authors Mayr/Daniels/Klauberg of bnt Riga. The law


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    The trouble with X-max parties

    Countless Czech businesses have it made a tradition to take out their employees for a celebration of Christmas and the imminent close of the year. These Christmas parties are immensely popular among employees. However, sometimes things get out of control, and you end up with (hopefully minor) injuries or damage


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    How to tell real medicine from mere food supplements?

    Come Christmas, many of us show their concern for their nearest and dearest by buying them products promising truly miraculous improvements of one's health. But how to tell true medicine from mere dietary supplements which, bold promises aside, rarely deliver any benefits that could not be derived from a humble


  • uudised

    The tax aspects of Christmas gifts for clients

    Year's end is nigh, and firms busy themselves sending out New Year's wishes and delivering Christmas gifts to their clients. Let's have a closer look at how such gifts are treated from the vantage point of value-added tax and income tax. Year's end is nigh, and firms busy themselves sending


  • Telli uudiskiri

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