Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    The new Code of Civil Justice step by step

    Work on the white paper for a new code of civil justice is complete. There is still a long way to go before this work will be transformed into the final shape of a law, but given the fundamental character and magnitude of the proposed changes, it seems appropriate that


  • uudised

    Compulsory enforcement of maintenance claims – now with default interest (if only in theory)

    For almost a year, an amendment to the Civil Code ought to make it possible, when recovering owed but unpaid alimony, to claim also default interest. However, the real-life experience is sadly quite different – for the time being, actually enforcing the claim for default interest is far too complex


  • uudised

    Start-up from Estonia revolutionizes arbitration courts

    With Jury.Online everyone can become a judge at a court of arbitration even without legal studies. The judges will be displayed anonymously on the homepage and you can choose between different judges according to their ratings and experience. The costs of arbitration will be set by the judges in


  • uudised

    New medical prescription practice, effective as of January, reports 1.7 mio. individual cases

    During the first 14 days of the (sort of) mandatory electronic prescription, 11,000 healthcare facilities and 23,000 practitioners issued altogether 1,702,755 ePrescriptions, 87% of which were filled by 2 670 pharmacies. What further steps towards the digitalization of healthcare await us? At this point, it is fairly well known that


  • uudised

    Meditsiiniseadmete reklaam: vähe konkreetseid eeskirju, palju huvitavaid küsimusi

    Meditsiiniseadmete reklaam on võrreldes ravimireklaamiga oluliselt vähem reguleeritud. Mõnedes Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikides ei ole meditsiiniseadmete reklaamimise kohta üldse eraldi regulatsiooni. Näiteks on see nii Bulgaarias, Ungaris, Tšehhi Vabariigis, Slovakkias, Lätis ja Eestis. Leedu õiguses on olemas eriregulatsioon meditsiiniseadmete reklaamimise kohta ning Poola õiguses võib kõnealuse teema osas leida üksnes


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid