Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    New stricter obligations for company directors

    Every company must keep records of its UBO Stemming from the fourth anti money laundering directive, Slovakia has introduced new obligations for legal entities starting from 15 March 2018. Except for public authorities and certain associations, all legal entities must identify their ultimate beneficial owners. An ultimate beneficial


  • uudised

    Apostill ühe klikiga

    Avalikke dokumente on nüüd võimalik kinnitada ka digitaalse apostilliga Eesti on juba aastaid kogunud rahvusvahelist tuntust innovaatiliste ideede ja uute digilahendustega. Iga aastaga kasvab Eesti avalike e-teenuste arv. 2017. aasta lõpus lisandus e-teenuste hulka e-apostill, s.t. ametlikke dokumente saab nüüdsest kinnitada ka digitaalse apostilliga.    Apostilli tähendust mõistavad hästi need,


  • uudised

    Minimum wage – doubts about applicability to foreign companies; client’s liability

    Court expresses doubts as to scope of applicability of the MiLoG to foreign companies. Deutsche Post sued as customer for payment of minimum wage.   The number of lawsuits dealing with the General Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG) is increasing. In a case before the Finance Court of Berlin-Brandenburg, which


  • uudised

    No arbitration for intra-EU investment agreements

    The European Court of Justice ruled on almost 200 bilateral investment treaties between EU member countries. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that arbitration clauses in almost 200 investment agreements between EU member countries violate EU law. ECJ stated that “The arbitration clause in the bilateral


  • uudised

    The requirement for an employee remuneration system

    Possible criteria for creating a remuneration system under the Genfer Scheme Author: Lennart Mewes, Referendar at country court in Dresden (at present with bnt Vilnius)   Introduction The amended Lithuanian Labour Code requires an employer with a minimum of 20 employees to compile a list of salaries for each category


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid