Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Lithuania allows refugees from Ukraine to start work immediately

    The Lithuanian Minister of the Interior has issued a decree that eases the conditions of employment for people who have fled Ukraine.


  • uudised

    Every insurance company in Europe should keep an eye on this GDPR case

    An ongoing GDPR case in Finland will set a precedent on insurance companies’ ability to access patient data to investigate claims.


  • uudised

    We helped gain EU citizenship in the post-Brexit era

    This is a true story about a 21-year-old UK citizen from London, who wanted to work as a ski instructor in Austria and Switzerland in the season 2021/2022.


  • uudised

    UBO Update: Lithuanian transparency register starts work after a two-year delay. What needs to be known?

    On 1 January 2022, after a 2-year delay, the first part of the Lithuanian transparency register was activated. Initially, Lithuanian companies that only have natural persons as shareholders can and must report their beneficial owners to the register. It is expected that in May 2022, Lithuanian companies with legal entities


  • uudised

    Lithuania: What management decisions may require the approval of the general meeting?

    The Supreme Court of Lithuania has ruled on the division of competences between the managing director and the general meeting of shareholders.


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid