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    Road over railway in Radom

    Poland: Municipal Board of Roads and Transport seeks constructor for road works.   Local authorities have just announced a tender for construction of a road and two overpasses over a railway. The works are part of the modernization of Żółkiewskiego street in Radom. The task is highly complex and besides


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    Business breakfast meeting on bad debts

    Poland: bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw in cooperation with Advicero Tax will be host to a business breakfast meeting on bad debts Advicero Tax and bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw are proud to invite you to a tax-legal business breakfast meeting on the topic "Bad Debts - Tax and Legal Problems in Practice". The


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    Finanční dar pomůže mladistvým

    Czech Republic: bnt | attorneys-at-law poskytla příspěvek na realizaci projektu „Začni správně“


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    50 million EUR for Vistula development

      Poland: Warsaw to rebuild riverside embankments in upcoming six years     Thanks to its wild bank on the Warsaw Praga district side, the Vistula is an exceptional river in Europe. No other big city river has this type of bank. The city of Warsaw has prepared


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    Ranking of investment attractiveness

    Poland has been recognized by German investors as the most attractive Central and Eastern European country to invest in. Sixteen German bilateral chambers of industry and commerce conducted research among more than 1400 enterprises with German capital that have recently invested in East and Central Europe. The following


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