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    Business breakfast at bnt attorneys in CEE Vilnius office

    Lithuania: Working with patients – are you processing personal data legally? bnt attorneys in CEE Vilnius office is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: GDPR: How can the pharmaceutical, medical device and healthcare sectors collect health-related personal data properly? The business breakfast will be held at bnt attorneys in


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    Business breakfast at bnt attorneys in CEE Vilnius office

    No company without employees – are we processing personal data legally? bnt attorneys in CEE Vilnius office is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: Processing employees’ personal data in Lithuania: different from abroad? The business breakfast will be held at bnt attorneys in CEE Vilnius office (Embassy House, Kalinausko


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    Ocenění PRO BONO & CSR pro advokátní kancelář bnt

    Vydavatelství Economia druhým rokem vyhlásila ocenění Pro bono & CSR 2017. Mezi 4 oceněnými projekty byla vybrána i advokátní kancelář bnt, která jej získala za jedinečné spojení práva a dobročinnosti na podporu Cesty domů v oblasti paliativní péče. Projekty vybírala odborná porota v čele s ministrem spravedlnosti, předsedy Nejvyšších soudů


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    Data Protection and Labour Law Seminar on 16 November 2017

    bnt attorneys in CEE, German Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK) and Riga Graduate School of Law cordially invite to the “Business After Hours” seminar “Labour law and personal data protection law developments under the new EU General Data Protection Regulation” on 16


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    „GDPR – New European Rules on Data Protection“ Workshop on 13 November 2017

    bnt attorneys in CEE Bratislava is pleased to invite you to the workshop "GDPR – New European Rules on Data Protection" The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) comes into force on 25 May 2018. bnt in cooperation with the German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce has prepared a workshop which


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