bnt Актуално

  • Новини

    Major upgrade of Klaipeda seaport

    Klaipeda seaport channel to be deepened to 17 m. by 2020. Currently the Klaipeda seaport channel is 15 metres deep. That is, two metres less than Riga seaport and one metre less than Ventspils seaport. The current depth of Klaipeda seaport restricts the size and loading of big carrier ships


  • Новини

    Major EU financing for Lithuania via “Rail Baltica” project

    The “Rail Baltica” project opens the way for new construction related public procurement in the Baltic States. The “Rail Baltica” project aims to lay a new 1435 mm wide European standard railway line across the Baltic States, replacing the old 1520 mm Russian railway line and providing south-north oriented integration


  • Новини

    Modernization of Detention Facilities

     A Public-Private Partnership to modernize detention facilities in Lithuania. In July 2014 the Lithuanian Government approved a new detention facilities modernisation programme with a scheduled deadline for 2022. The programme involves construction of a new detention facility on the outskirts of Vilnius and construction of new


  • Новини

    Modernization of Lithuanian Zoo in Kaunas

    An optimistic future for the unmodernized Lithuanian Zoo. The Kaunas City Council has approved a detailed plan for modernization of the city zoo. According to the Ministry of Environment, which is the acting manager of the building, this decision opens the way for EUR 11.5 million


  • Новини

    Privatization of “Baltija” Rest House in Palanga

    Market participants are anticipating an announcement on the privatization of desirable real estate on the Baltic Sea coast. “Baltija” is the biggest rest and treatment complex in the Lithuanian resort town of Palanga, which includes different levels of hotels: the 2 star “Vyturys” hotel (conference room,


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