КОРПОРАТИВНО ПРАВО, СЛИВАНИЯ И ПРИДОБИВАНИЯ, корпоративно дело, сливания и придобивания, Compliance, съвместни предприятие, Конкурентно и антитръст право, Правни задължения на управителните органи и на собствениците на капитала в моменти на криза, Солидарна отговорност в рамките на колектива, Предпоставки и рискове на фактическото управление, НЕДВИЖИМИ ИМОТИ, Покупко-продажба, инвестиции на зелена поляна, ТРУДОВО ПРАВО, Бизнес дейности и изпращане на работници в чужбина, Employment contracts, remuneration and retirement benefits, Защита на личните данни, Колективно договаряне, Termination of employment, mass redundancies, Трудовоправни спорове, Прехвърляне на служители при сделки по сливане и придобиване, БИОТЕХНОЛОГИИ И ФАРМАЦЕВТИКА, Здравни въпроси, Лекарства, Фармацевтични продукти, Медицински продукти, Финансови и данъчни въпроси, Asset Finance, Financial restructuring and refinancing, Данъци и мита, Public procurement and PPP
английски, немски, словашки

Personal data protection in health care facilities, Connection magazine, July/August 2013
Abeitsgesetzbuch in deutscher Sprache, Deutsch-Slowakische Industrie- und Handelskammer, Edition 2013
Eherecht in Europa, 2. Edition, „Slowakische Republik“, Zerb Verlag, 2012
Slovak Labour Code -translation into English language, bnt in cooperation with the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic, 2011
Social networks: Not the place to slam your boss!, Connection magazine, September/October 2011
Employment Law in the Slovak Republic, Center for International Legal Studies, 2006
Regular legal support for Slovak newspapers (SME, eTrend, Hospodárske noviny)
Regular publisher in Slovak magazines (Connection magazine of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic, Eurobiznis, Trend, Profit)


Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (Mgr., JUDr.)

Chambers & Partners:
Recommends Zuzana Chudáčková, head of Employment in Slovakia, for her „discretion, as well as her excellent and thorough legal assessment; she takes the possibilities of different scenarios into account.“
Zuzana Chudáčková assists clients with a broad range of domestic and cross-border employment matters, including contract drafting, terminations and negotiations with trade unions, as well as contentious matters. A satisfied client highlights her „discretion, as well as her excellent and thorough legal assessment; she takes the possibilities of different scenarios into account.“ (2020)
Zuzana Chudáčková is „empathetic, highly discreet and knows each and every nook and corner of labour law“ (2020),
„Zuzana Chudáčková is proficient in German; she is easily accessible and highly flexible when adjusting to new developments and is always willing to go that extra mile to meet a deadline“ (2020),
„At bnt attorneys-at-law, founding partners Margareta Sovova, Zuzana Chudáčková, as well as Bratislava managing partner Dávid Oršula are all highly recommended.“(2015).

EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association)
Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)
German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (member of Employment Law Commitee)
Slowakisch – Österreichische Handelskammer
„Advokáti Pro Bono“ (project of non-profit Organization Nadácia Pontis)

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