Of Counsel
CORPORATE AND M&A, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, LIFE SCIENCES & PHARMA, Biotechnology, Food supplements, Foodstuffs law, Health, Medical products, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals
Czech, English, German

Various publications on healthcare law
lecturing activities (energy law, healthcare law)

Czech Republic

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany), Law Faculty
Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Law Faculty (Mgr.)

Czech Bar Association
YAF ICC (ICC Young Arbitrators Forum)

Czechia: The medicinal cannabis market is a market for audacious investors that delivers relevant profit
Czechia: The medicinal cannabis market is a market for audacious investors that delivers relevant profit
New government decree stipulates the terms for growing (and the harvesting period) for cannabis plants cultivated for medical use
New government decree stipulates the terms for growing (and the harvesting period) for cannabis plants cultivated for medical use
New rules regarding the regulation of medical cannabis, crowned by a new system for licensing cannabis growers
New rules regarding the regulation of medical cannabis, crowned by a new system for licensing cannabis growers
Ten GDPR Rules for Healthcare Professionals
Ten GDPR Rules for Healthcare Professionals
New medical prescription practice, effective as of January, reports 1.7 mio. individual cases
New medical prescription practice, effective as of January, reports 1.7 mio. individual cases
New Community regulation of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices
New Community regulation of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Occupational health services
Occupational health services
The Energy Audit after 1 July 2015
The Energy Audit after 1 July 2015
Medical Aids and new Act
Medical Aids and new Act
New Act on Medical Aids
New Act on Medical Aids
New indemnity rules
New indemnity rules