Junior Associate
UPADŁOŚĆ I RESTRUKTURYZACJA, Ochrona praw pożyczkodawcy przed upadłością pożyczkobiorcy, Mandatory regulations under tax/social security law, Private equity, institutional investors and funds, Banking and finance, prawo rynków kapitałowych, Finance Regulatory, Financial restructuring and refinancing, Fundusze, Ubezpieczenia, Usługi inwestycyjne, Project Finance, Regulacje międzynarodowe i unijne
Angielski, Francuski, Niemiecki, Łotewski
Overhaul of law on insurance contracts: unwarranted hype?
Overhaul of law on insurance contracts: unwarranted hype?
Fight against money laundering forces banks to take drastic measures
Fight against money laundering forces banks to take drastic measures
Do you have to disclose the beneficial owner of your company?
Do you have to disclose the beneficial owner of your company?