
  • uudised

    Remote working will be permanently introduced into the Labour Code

    Poland: The Sejm is working on a project to introduce rules and obligations for employers and employees concerning remote working.


  • uudised

    New insolvency prevention tool now in force in Hungary, too

    The restructuring procedure in force from July 2022 offers a flexible mechanism to solve a company's financial problems. The new rules introduce a procedure aimed at helping companies facing liquidity problems, while not imposing the same strict conditions as bankruptcy proceedings. This can offer a new opportunity to struggling but


  • uudised

    Lithuania: better conditions for employing highly skilled foreigners

    Recent legislative amendments in Lithuania ease recruitment of foreign workers and offer incentives for both employees and employers.


  • uudised

    Lithuania: bnt insolvency team advising international fashion retailer

    bnt attorneys in CEE supporting international fashion retailer in multijurisdictional insolvency matter.


  • uudised

    Lithuania: bnt insolvency team advising Lithuanian producer of abrasives

    bnt attorneys in CEE support insolvent AWUKO in Lithuania.


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid