
  • uudised

    Lithuania: the pitfalls of contractual price indexation in the face of rising inflation

    Rising inflation and CPI are pushing prices ever higher for buyers under long-term contracts where price indexation is agreed. What can be done?


  • uudised

    Perpetual usufruct of commercial land will be able to be converted into ownership

    Poland: In 2023, companies are to finally gain the opportunity to convert land in perpetual usufruct into full ownership.


  • uudised

    Work-life balance directive

    Poland: Will it contribute to equality between women and men in the workplace in Poland?


  • uudised

    Lithuania: new restrictions on cash payments

    Recent legislative amendments introduce a ban on cash payments of more than EUR 5 000 in Lithuania.


  • uudised

    Packagings deposit system – work in progress

    Poland: After eight months of consultations, a next step is taken in legislative process.


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid