
  • uudised

    INSOL Europe conference in Lithuania

    Lithuania: Partner from bnt attorneys-at-law to lead a panel during the INSOL Europe conference in Vilnius on Banks’ Insolvencies, Investors and Harmonisation: A new insolvency era? Frank Heemann, partner at bnt attorneys-at-law and head of the firm’s insolvency practice will lead the panel “The twilight zone: Directors' liability in the


  • uudised

    Debt Collection Forum 2015

    Poland: Partner from bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw will take part in an expert's desk during the Debt Collection Forum 2015 bnt attorneys-at-law in cooperation with the Nowoczesna Firma SA Digital Knowledge Village kindly invite you to a seminar entitled "CDebt Collection Forum 2015". Małgorzata Zamorska, partner at bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw, will


  • uudised

    Guest Lecture: Reform of EU Trademark and Copyright Law

    Latvia: Riga Graduate School of Law invites you to a guest lecture "Reform of EU Trademark and Copyright Law" that will be delivered by Martin Senftleben,  Vice Dean (Research) and Professor of Intellectual Property and Director at Kooijmans Institute for Law and Governance, VU University Amsterdam. Lecture will take place on


  • uudised

    Baltic Brand Conference. April 16, 2015, Riga

    Latvia: Baltic Brand Conference: The Digital Revolution. How Brands Win or Struggle The Baltic Brand Conference will present strategies and solution-focused approaches for today's businesses.The conference will consist of four panels Brand Development in the Digital Revolution – Challenges for Media Business


  • uudised

    bnt Tallinn korraldab seminari transpordi teemadel

    Eesti: bnt Tallinn koostöös Saksa-Balti Kaubanduskojaga (AHK) kutsuvad Teid seminarile teemal „Meet the experts: Miinimumpalk alates 1. jaanuarist 2015 välismaa veokijuhtidele Saksamaal“. Seminar toimub 6. märtsil 2015 kell 09:30 – 11:30 AHK ruumides (Suurtüki 4b, Tallinn). Täpsema informatsiooni ja kutse leiate siit.    


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid