
  • uudised

    Meet the experts: labor law

    Lithuania: bnt | attorneys-at law Vilnius is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: "Non-compete clauses in employment contracts: is your present clause really still valid?". The business breakfast will take place at bnt Vilnius office (Embassy House, Kalinausko 24, 4th floor, Vilnius) on 6 October 2016 from 09.00


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    3D printers production

    Belarus: An opportunity to create an innovative 3D printing plant. The main consumers of 3D printers are the automobile industry, medicine, education, the jewellery industry. The plan is to export 3D printers to the Commonwealth of Independent Counties, BRIC Countries (Brazil, Russia, Austria and China), Eastern Europe. The plant will be established in the “Great


  • uudised

    Transformation of Daugava Sports Stadium

    Latvia: By investing EUR 47 million, Daugava Sports Stadium will be reconstructed as a culture and sport event amphitheatre. Daugava Sports stadium will be reconstructed to fit higher quality standards and to increase the capacity of the amphitheatre. The existing seating is only for 5000. The goal is to make the stadium more


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    The New Hanza City

    Latvia: Construction of Hanza City financial centre. In the next five years New Hanza City will receive EUR 160 million investment to continue construction work under a new development plan. New Hanza City is planned to be a regional financial centre with office buildings for several financial institutions including the ABLV Bank central


  • uudised

    Open-air festival stage reconstruction costs increase

    Latvia: Reconstruction costs of the first phase are expected to exceed EUR 23 million. 3. Long description (max 1200 chars., spaces included)The authors of the reconstruction project have announced that the costs for the first construction phase of the open-air festival stage will exceed EUR 23 million. Contrary to


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid