
  • uudised

    bnt celebrates 15 years of existence

    For no fewer than 15 years now, the international law firm bnt has entertained a presence in Prague and other cities across the CEE region. We would like to express big thanks to all our clients for their support and cooperation.    


  • uudised

    The amendment of the act on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing introduces several new obligations for obliged entities.

    The amendment of the act on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (“AML”) tightens the requirements on customer due diligence. Our article will give you a better idea of its effects.  The amendment expands the obligations of an obliged entity regarding basic or enhanced due diligence, specifies the


  • uudised

    2018-03-20 seminaras „Verslo santykiai su užsienio įmonėmis: teisiniai patarimai rizikoms mažinti“

    Verslo santykiai su užsienio įmonėmis sukelia nemažai teisinių iššūkių. Jeigu Jums aktualu, kaip pasirengti sklandžiam bendradarbiavimui ir apsaugoti save/savo verslą nuo nepageidaujamų kliūčių ir nuostolių, maloniai kviečiame į kovo 20  d. seminarą „Verslo santykiai su užsienio įmonėmis: teisiniai patarimai rizikoms mažinti“. Seminarą ves bnt attorneys in CEE Vilniaus biuro advokatai –


  • uudised

    Intense business activities in Liepajas special economic zone

    Works on the harbor infrastructure itself as well as investment opportunities arise in one of Latvias special economic zones, which offers favorable conditions for business. Liepaja is home to one of the four special economic zones in Latvia, where investments are attracted through a number of specific incentives, i. a.


  • uudised

    Financing needed for start-up: supplier to furniture manufacturers

    Under the product name “Vilkne”, a young Latvian start-up is seeking venture capital financing for production of high-end drawers for designer furniture such as kitchens. “Vilkne” is a prefabricated drawer concept for exclusive furniture, aimed at German and international cabinetmakers and furniture manufacturers. The advantages of the concept are a


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid