
  • uudised

    Jana Buršíková strengthens the ranks of law firm bnt

    The Prague office of bnt attorneys in CEE is happy to announce another addition to its team: Jana Buršíková (46) has been hired in the capacity of Professional Support Lawyer, and will be responsible for know-how development and internal training. "Jana is a consummate professional with many years of experience


  • uudised

    bnt Prague appoints new associated partners – Lukáš Havel and Peter Maysenhölder

    The Prague office of bnt attorneys in CEE, which forms part of the international network of bnt legal offices and is among the leading commercial law firms in the CEE region, is pleased to announce the widening of its leadership circle, effective as of 1 May 2019, with the induction


  • uudised

    Jan Šafránek and Lola Laštovičková are the authors of a new commentary on the Czech Transformations Act

    This practice commentary on act No. 125/2008 Coll., on transformations of companies and cooperatives, familiarizes the reader with the procedure for implementing the various types of corporate transformation (merger, demerger, transfer of business assets to the shareholder, change of the legal form, and relocation of the registered seat to a


  • uudised

    Aet Bergmann is the new Regional President of the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK) in Estonia

    Aet Bergmann, the leading partner of bnt attorneys in CEE Estonia, was elected as the new Regional President of AHK Estonia on 12 March 2019. The Estonian law firm bnt attorneys in CEE has been an active member of the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce for twelve


  • uudised

    Get a 20% discount for seminars and training courses

    In cooperation with the education agency 1. VOX a.s. we have prepared an extraordinary price offer for all clients of our Prague bnt office. If you order an educational course or seminar conducted by our bnt lecturers, you can get a 20% discount. Just enter the password "bnt"


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid