
  • uudised

    Romania: Webinar: Mobbing at the workplace. Practical aspects for employers

    The local office of bnt attorneys in CEE from Romania will host on March 24th, 2021, starting at 10.00 a.m., a free webinar in which the concept of moral harassment (mobbing) at the workplace and the possibility for employees to request and be


  • uudised

    International Hereditary law in the EU and beyond – ESC in practice

    Are you living outside your native country? And do you or does any of your near and loved ones still have property or other assets in several EU-member States or even beyond the EU? Then join the webinar of Stephan Heidenhain and Peter Maysenhölder from bnt attorneys in CEE which


  • uudised

    Promotion announced at bnt office in Bratislava

    We are pleased to announce the promotion of our colleague Nina Šťastná to the position of Senior Associate. Nina has been part of bnt attorneys in CEE for over 10 years and is a significant member of our Corporate and M&A team, where she uses her


  • uudised

    Promotion of lawyer at bnt Vilnius

    Lithuania: lawyer Dominykas Jončas promoted to Associate position. Dominykas Jončas, who joined bnt attorneys in CEE Dispute resolution praxis last year, has been promoted from Junior Associate to Associate. Dominykas Jončas learns fast, performs every task assigned to him very carefully and accurately. He bravely takes responsibility and persistently pursues


  • uudised

    bnt Advokaadibüroo on Eesti kümne edukaima advokaadibüroo seas

    Eesti majandusvaldkonna suurima tiraažiga ajalehe “Äripäev” koostatud advokaadibüroode pingereas on bnt Advokaadibüroo 10. kohal. Sellised andmed avaldati lehe eriväljaandes 26. novembril 2020. bnt on üks juhtivaid rahvusvahelisi majandusõigusele spetsialiseerunud advokaadibüroosid Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopas. 


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid