Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Forfeiture clauses ineffective if minimum wage claims not excluded

    Forfeiture clauses in standard employment contracts are invalid if they do not sufficiently differentiate which claims are covered. Employment contracts very often contain so-called forfeiture or exclusion clauses. They specify a deadline within which employees must assert their claims against the employer after termination of the employment relationship. If this


  • uudised

    The end of bearer shares in Bulgaria

    Joint-stock companies and general partnerships limited by shares are banned from issuing bearer shares Recent amendments to the Commerce Act as of 23 October 2018 abolish bearer shares as an important step towards implementing the Directive on prevention of the use of financial system for the purposes of


  • uudised

    Competition rules changed in Belarus

    The new Antitrust Law amends the rules on economic concentration and provides new tools for protection from unfair competition. Rules on economic concentration The new antitrust law doubles the financial thresholds applicable for obtaining consent from the competition authority required for acquisition of stock (shares) in statutory funds of commercial


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    Why are so many cases of a Supplementary Protection Certificate (“SPC”) of a medicinal product ending before the ECJ?

    bnt Life Science & Pharma can provide you legal services and advice in the patent/SPC application process. What is an SPC? A Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) is an intellectual property right, which may extend patent protection (max. 20 years) of medicinal products for max.


  • uudised

    New rules for information from the slovak land register

    Simplification of the due diligence examination in the context of real estate acquisitions. As of October 1, 2018, an amendment to the Cadastre Act (Act No. 162/1995) will amend the rules on inspecting the land register. The Cadastre (Land Register) in Slovakia is an


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid