Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    New Austrian Supreme Court ruling on European Certificates of Succession

    Judgment of the Austrian Supreme Court (OGH) on land specifications with far-reaching implications for ECS practice In an earlier article published on 20 July 2018 I dealt with the experience with German European Certificates of Succession (ECSs), which were introduced by Regulation 650/2012/EU (EuErbVO) and can be issued for


  • uudised

    Negotiations on the final shape of the revolutionary EU Copyright Directive

    Following a vote in the European Parliament on the draft EU Copyright Directive in September, talks will now be held to agree on an acceptable compromise for the wording of the most controversial provisions of this piece of legislation.   The new draft EU Copyright Directive responds to the


  • uudised

    Are realtors in the Czech Republic liable for the damage caused by invalid property purchase agreements?

    Aside from the brokerage of the sale or purchase of real property itself, realtors will usually offer their clients also legal services in the Czech Republic, in particular regarding the drafting of the purchase agreement based upon which the property will change hands and the title will be entered. As


  • uudised

    Full speed ahead for investors in agriculture!

    With yesterday's decision, the Constitutional Court of Slovakia has finally repealed a law that is regarded as discriminatory and hostile to investors. The decision concerned the acquisition of agricultural land which, under the previous law, could only be acquired by the members of the municipality where the land


  • uudised

    Essential change concerning tax debts in Estonia

    Tax debts can now expire according to Estonian supreme court The Estonian Supreme Court ruled on 10 October 2018: tax debts expire after five years, the same way as other debts. More precisely: the expiration ends with handing over


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid