Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    New regulation mandating health insurance coverage for medical aids in the Czech Republic – mark the dates and deadlines

    As of 1 January 2019, an amendment to the Public Health Insurance Act has come into force which brings substantial changes in the realm of insurance coverage for medical aids. How to prepare properly? Much ink has been spilled over the new concept for the reimbursement of medical aids by


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    Passage of the right to participate in profit to the acquirer of a share in a limited liability company

    The Czech Supreme Court has ruled that the right to participate in a company's profit passes to the person who acquired a share in such company. Also, shareholder resolutions may be challenged by invoking contra bonos mores. According to the Czech Supreme Court, the right to participate in a company's


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    Senate proposal of debt relief amendment failed in the house of deputies

    The proposals for modification made by the upper chamber of parliament centered around the terms to be met by debtors to become eligible for debt relief; in this respect, the senate showed even greater benevolence, however, finally there was almost no support by MPs. A government bill for an amendment


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    Employer’s duties in connection with an employee in personal insolvency

    Undergoing an insolvency procedure is stressful not only for the individual thus affected, but also for their employer. What are the obligations of the latter, and the consequences for failing to observe them? Of course, the main obligation of the employer of an insolvent employee is to collect garnishments in


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    Loan market environment again advantageous for Hungarian SMEs

      To increase the ratio of fixed-interest loans the Hungarian National Bank has relaunched the Growth Credit Program Fix (GCP). Although the market expected the GCP in autumn 2018, the Hungarian National Bank published its product introduction on the relaunch of the GCP including the detailed terms of the programme. Thus


  • Telli uudiskiri

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