Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    New rules on personal files in Poland

    Poland: Digitalisation of personal files and new shorter deadlines for storage and destruction of personal files As of January 2019, Polish labor law allows for keeping personal files in electronic form. The new regulations also shorten the mandatory period for storing personal files of employees from the previous 50 years


  • uudised

    Distribution of Medical Devices across CEE

    With little or no regulation on this subject in most of the region, some countries stand out by setting particularly strict conditions for distribution In most countries throughout the region the law provides no specific regulation on distribution of medical devices (MDs), except for distribution of reimbursable MDs, since these


  • uudised

    Premature dismissal from employment because of unsatisfactory work results?

    In our Czech practice, we rather frequently encounter cases in which employers mistake one ground for termination "unsatisfactory work results" for another "violation of work-related duties". In the present article, we would like to show what conditions and circumstances must be met for an employer to proceed and give notice


  • uudised

    Paying child support once – and thus forever?

    According to the Czech law, if you are obliged to pay child support, you will have to prepare for the possibility that the "going rate" will change over time – and not necessarily in the direction which you'd prefer. Alimonies, or child support – that is to say, the amount of


  • uudised

    Deal or no deal, Brexit is upon us…!

    On 29 March 2019, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will leave the EU. In all likelihood, this will take the form of a Hard Brexit. The Czech Republic has been trying to mitigate the consequences, at least on the level of its own country, by passing


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid