Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    What changes will the amended Alien Residence Act bring?

    A government bill for an amendment to the Alien Residence Act seeks to accommodate needs in the area of employment of foreigners. At first glance, the bill appears to make it easier for foreigners to gain a foothold in the Czech labor market. But there is a different way to


  • uudised

    How does the VAT Act amendment impact real property?

    The tax package, which includes an amendment to the VAT Act, has passed all hurdles in the legislative journey from bill to law. What are the main consequences for the VAT treatment of real estate? A current amendment to the VAT Act imposes special restrictions in the area of real


  • uudised

    Confidentiality in pre-contractual relations: new case law in Lithuania

    In certain cases, confidentiality may arise even if information was not identified as confidential. In a ruling of 21 February 2019, the Supreme Court of Lithuania, after examining a case concerning compensation for damage (in the form of loss of income) caused by


  • uudised

    Posting of employees to Hungary

    A summary of the most important duties of the Hungarian employer Posting of workers inside the EU is – apart from unified community rules – also regulated by diverse country-specific provisions. In 2019 in Hungary violation of these rules can lead to a fine of HUF 10 000


  • uudised

    Currency legislation changes in Belarus

    From 1 March 2019 a set of amendments are in force to liberalize currency legislation in Belarus Registration of currency operations The new rules on currency legislation cancelled the need to obtain permission from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (the “National Bank”) to conduct currency transactions related


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid