Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Retina scanner, certificate of good conduct and Facebook in the workplace

    New rules on data processing by employers from spring 2019. The Hungarian legislator has implemented the employment-related rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Parliament and of the Council into the Labour Code (Mt.). The amendment, which came into force on 26 April 2019, brings significant


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    Money laundering prevention – banks and companies face new challenges

    Recent banking sector scandals are impacting both new and long-established businesses in Lithuania  Author: Tanja Pejanovic, Referendar at country court in Wiesbaden (at present with bnt Vilnius) Numerous banks in Scandinavia and the Baltic States have recently come under investigation due to opaque transactions in favor of unknown beneficiaries and


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    Liability of collective entities – higher penalties, mandatory compliance

    Poland: Supervision of compliance in an organization will cease to be a ‘may’ and will become a ‘must’ New regulations establish greater responsibility of collective entities for crimes committed in connection with their activities. A criminal offence may be committed by an intentional act or by failing to observe the due


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    ECJ: A1 also for non-EU citizens

    Germany: Issue of an A1 requires "legal residency" in the EU, but this need not be permanent.   Employee mobility plays an important role in many industries, not only in construction, transport and home care. Increasingly, employees from non-EU countries, such as Ukraine or Serbia, are also being used.


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    Unfair contractual conditions for food sales between traders from 1 May 2019

    From 1 May 2019, new rules for contracts in the food trade apply in Slovakia. The new law aims at more effective prevention of unfair contractual conditions in the food trade with suppliers. The legislator believes that suppliers are often the weaker contracting parties compared to


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid