Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    One year of GDPR – taking stock of the first fines and penalties in the Czech Republic

    25 May marked the first anniversary of the coming into force of GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation), which put into place uniform EU-wide rules for the protection of personal data of natural persons. The Czech Data Protection Office has already imposed a number of fines. On 25 May 2019,


  • uudised

    Welcome change in obligation to file a supplementary VAT return withing reverse charge regime in the Czech Republic

    Are you curious about details of the amendment of Sec. 104 of the VAT Act within the context of the 2019 Czech Tax Legislation Package? A piece of legislation known as the 2019 Tax Package (Act No. 80/2019 Coll.) has been promulgated which amends certain tax laws, in some cases effective


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    An amendment to the Czech Pharmaceuticals Act seeks to improve the availability of drugs for patients

    Will the new law ensure that medicinal products are timely delivered to the pharmacy in which the patient presented their prescription? It is one of the fundamental duties of the state to ensure that quality healthcare is available everywhere within its reach. This also means that medicinal products ("drugs") are


  • uudised

    You should know about these Intrastat changes

    A higher threshold as of which Intrastat declarations must be made and a definition of the applicable exchange rate for converting foreign currency are some of major changes that need attention. Effective as of 1 January 2019, Intrastat reporting – which serves to provide statistical data and allows the monitoring


  • uudised

    Class actions will likely find a home in the Czech legal system

    Streamlined trials, the fulfillment of the call for procedural economy, the unburdening of overworked courts – in short, an increase of efficiency in the judiciary. This, along with other benefits, is the promise held out by a newly proposed bill for a Class Actions Act. In what follows, we shall


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid