Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Straw man buying your debtor

    Economic Crimes in the Slovak Republic Even when you win in court, some debtors do anything to avoid paying. Sometimes a company in debt is sold to a so-called “straw man”. A straw man is a person who provides only their name, officially buys the company


  • uudised

    Czech immovable property acquisition tax as part of the purchase price of tangible fixed assets

    A change of the payer of the immovable property acquisition tax (the payer of this tax is now the acquirer – buyer) has raised questions about the correct accounting and tax assessment of the expense that this tax represents. From the tax point of view (pursuant to Section 24 (2)


  • uudised

    Latvia: Legislator puts brakes on “fast loans”

    In recent years, the financial industry in so-called “fast loans” has boomed in Latvia. Now the parliament has adopted rules which substantially slow down business. Recent amendments to the


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    5 years minimum wage – status quo and outlook

    The minimum wage was introduced in July 2014. Politicians are arguing about the results and possible consequences for the future. Most recently, the minimum wage in Germany was raised from EUR 8.84 to EUR 9.19 at the beginning of 2019. This means that the minimum wage is now EUR


  • uudised

    Czech meal allowance

    The Czech Ministry of Finance is working on an amendment to the Income Tax Act, which should, inter alia, enable both entrepreneurs and employees to use the tax advantage for meals in a new and simpler way. Meal vouchers are a popular and frequently provided benefit in the Czech Republic.


  • Telli uudiskiri

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