Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Naturalization for descendants of Nazi persecution victims pursuant to Art. 116 (2) of Germany’s Basic Law

    New decrees by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior make amends for Nazi injustice. Through two decrees which came into force on 29 August 2019, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) seeks to close an open gap in both the law and in administrative practice


  • uudised

    New obligations for the operators of online intermediation services and search machines

    Will the newly adopted EU Regulation really deliver the desired fairness and transparency in online intermediation services?  Nowadays, businesses often gain access to consumers through online services such as booking.com, Airbnb, or internet search machines such as Seznam, Bing, or Google. Google, which today is the biggest of them all,


  • uudised

    By the end of October, an articulated version of the bill for a new Czech Building Law ought to be ready for perusal

    One of the objectives of the comprehensive overhaul of today's building law is to substantially expedite and simplify the procedure for obtaining all relevant permits for carrying out a building project. However, the bill for a new Building Act still has a bumpy road ahead of it. In a study


  • uudised

    What is the correct reference date for the expert opinion on the adequate amount of compensation in cases of a transfer of assets to the shareholder?

    Or how to comply with two mutually inconsistent provisions of the Czech Transformations Act, regarding the day as at which a court-appointed expert determines what constitutes adequate compensation for asset transfers to the shareholder. Asset transfers to the shareholder are one of several forms of corporate transformations recognized by the


  • uudised

    A legal way to protect oneself against contractor’s insolvency in the Czech Republic

    A simple contractual clause – which the Czech Supreme Court has now confirmed to be perfectly lawful – can save clients a lot of money and hassle if their contractor goes bust. What is this contractual clause which (from the point of view of clients) ought to be included in


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid