Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    The fight for European Certificates of Succession continues in Olomouc and Luxembourg

    The matter of a European Certificate of Succession issued in Germany has not yet been resolved and, unfortunately, the Czech Land Registry is still reluctant to comply with this certificate. One case has now reached the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. The European Certificate of Succession (ECS),


  • uudised

    D&O insurance offers only limited protection in the event of insolvency

    In the event of insolvency, managing directors can be personally liable to the insolvency administrator despite D&O insurance. Many managing directors believe that they are fully protected by a directors and officers liability insurance (so-called D&O insurance) and do not have to fear recourse to their personal assets. The


  • uudised

    Remote work officially enshrined in Belarusian labour legislation

    Amendments to the Labour Code, including those related to remote work, will be in force in Belarus from 28 January 2020 The Labour Code of the Republic of Belarus has been amended with a new chapter regulating relations between employers and employees who work remotely. Remote work is work done


  • uudised

    Changes to Latvian construction process regulations

    Latvia introduces a fully digitalized construction process due to changes to the Construction Act In Latvia changes to the Construction Act are due to come into force. The changes aim to facilitate the transition to electronic completion of construction formalities,


  • uudised

    Court case regarding MS Estonia ferry disaster

    New judgement obliges Estonian government to take a position. 28 September 2019 marked the 25th anniversary of the ferry disaster of MS Estonia: in 1994 the ferry sank on its way from Tallinn to Stockholm, killing 852 people.The official cause of the accident was bad weather and heavy seas,


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid