Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Estonia: legislative amendments for the New Year

    Changes to tax laws make Estonia even more attractive for entrepreneurs. As a digital pioneer, Estonia is highly business-friendly; the same course will be maintained this year. This article summarizes the most significant changes to tax law, now in force since January 1, 2020. The main purpose behind the changes


  • uudised

    PPK in Poland – voluntary or obligatory for companies?

    In 2020, employee capital plans (PPK) will be implemented in Poland in companies employing less than 250 people. A PPK is an additional long-term pension savings system for employees. In this system, contributions are paid by both the employee and the employer. The system is voluntary for employees - each employee


  • uudised

    Lithuania: New thresholds for tax-free daily allowances on business trips

    On 1 January 2020, new tax rules on daily allowances came into force. Does this simply make secondments more expensive? For business trips, Lithuanian employers must pay their employees ‒ in addition to their salary ‒ a flat-rate daily allowance for each day of the trip, with the amount depending


  • uudised

    Bulgaria: No obligation for dormant companies to file notice of cessation of activity every year

    This amendment aims to reduce the administrative burden on business and accelerate the processing of documents filed with the Commercial Register and the Non-profit legal entities Register   As of 1 January 2020, companies that have ceased activity need only file a ‘once-only’ notice of cessation


  • uudised

    Lithuania: Landmark success in transport dispute

    bnt lawyers have established an important legal precedent in a transport dispute before the Lithuanian Supreme Court. We would like to congratulate the successful bnt legal team Vilnius on its victory in a judicial dispute when representing one of the largest transport carriers (logistics companies) in Europe, defending its interests


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid