Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Will the Czech UBO register revolutionized? Part II – Consequences of failure to enter the UBO

    A new Czech Act on the UBO Register has embarked on the journey from bill to law. The bill anticipates fundamental restrictions for UBOs who are not entered in the register, as well as financial penalties for companies that do not look after the proper entry of their beneficial owners.


  • uudised

    Daily allowance and other business travel expenses: changes to Latvian rules on compensation

    The rules on reimbursement of official and work travel expenses have been revised and increased for travel in Latvia and abroad Daily allowances for Latvian business travel both in-country and abroad have not been adjusted since 2013. In


  • uudised

    Finally, communication between LLC shareholders will be easier

    Poland: Since September 2019, shareholders of LLCs can also participate from abroad in company shareholders’ meetings. The impractical provisions on meetings in Polish limited liability companies (LLCs) have finally been changed. Previously, a shareholder located abroad could not take part in a meeting of a LLC except by proxy. This


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    Hungary: Is the era of black employment over?

    As of 2020 more inspections and tougher penalties are expected. An announcement by the Ministry of Finance in November revealed that from 2020 Hungarian companies can expect intensified tax inspection. Increased control will affect companies which employ staff under self-employed status instead of an employment relationship, harming both the


  • uudised

    Changes in rules on distribution of medicines in Belarus

    Medicines registration procedure simplified and rules on pharmaceutical activity changed in 2020. Simplified medicines registration procedure The medicines registration procedure involves a set of preliminary technical work (expert examinations, inspection of industrial manufacturing, tests and other procedures) before applying for state registration. The new rules lay down a period


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid