Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Lithuanian startup mentality against strict alcohol laws – this might now come to an end

    Alcoholic beverages may be sold in Lithuania only at certain times of day. For months, a Lithuanian company cleverly exploited a loophole in the law to circumvent these regulations. Now the law will probably be changed for good. For some years now, Lithuania has been following the strict alcohol laws


  • uudised

    Real Estate Investments in Slovakia after Brexit

    Q&A on legal issues that regularly arise in the course of real estate transactions after Brexit.    Please, click on the picture below to download your pdf document.                 


  • uudised

    German UG can operate as a “Holding”

    An UG can also be registered as a "Holding" if no holding structure exists at the time of registration. The UG (Unternehmergesellschaft - haftungsbeschränkt) is also known as Mini-GmbH. It corresponds in its substantial characteristics to the GmbH, gets along however - similarly to the English Limited - with a


  • uudised

    Abortion law in Germany – No advertising for abortions

    From advertising bans to conscience clauses – the abortion law within the EU shows some enormous differences. Medical professionals who do not perform abortions should also be aware of the regulations in order to be able to advise patients with corresponding concerns in accordance with the law. In a


  • uudised

    Abortion law in Poland – Conscience clause prevents legal abortions

    From advertising bans to conscience clauses – the abortion law within the EU shows some enormous differences. Medical professionals who do not perform abortions should also be aware of the regulations in order to be able to advise patients with corresponding concerns in accordance with the law. In a


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid